IT Recycling Services 

A responsible and eco-friendly solution to help you safely dispose of old IT equipment.

We can recycle your unwanted IT equipment no matter where you are in the UK.


What’s more, we make IT recycling simple, transparent and above all WEEE compliant.

IT Recycling Services for Business

Why IT Recycling Is Important


There is growing e-waste problem in the UK, and something needs to be done.

As companies across the UK seek to maximise efficiency and look for smarter ways of working, so their need for the latest IT equipment grows. But what should you do with the redundant IT equipment such as computers, monitors and printers? Simply disposing of them is not the answer, as they contain harmful substances, as well as sensitive data.

Repair, reuse, recycle. It’s that simple. By focusing on IT recycling, we can reduce the amount of damage that harmful materials contained in IT equipment can cause when placed in landfill. Furthermore, we will we place less of a burden on our planet’s natural resources.

At Asset-Disposal, we love to give tech devices a second life wherever possible, which is why we’ll always try to repair or reuse any IT equipment before consigning it to the recycling pile.

And we make the whole process both simple and safe for our customers. At the end of the process we provide you with all the relevant paperwork demonstrating compliance, including waste transfer note, consignment note and certificate of destruction.

Our Environment

IT Recycling & The Environment


New legislation came into force in 2007 relating to waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). This legislation means that businesses in the UK must dispose of unwanted IT equipment separately to other waste. And by using a specialist company such as Asset Disposal, you can prove compliance with all WEEE directives.

By repairing, reusing or recycling we can make a big difference to the environment. For instance, most of the components from the old IT equipment can be repurposed to make new equipment, thereby reducing the need to plunder the planet’s natural resources. There are also a number of heavy metals in the computer equipment we use, such as mercury, lead, beryllium and cadmium, metals which could be harmful should they end up in a landfill site.  

This potential damage to the environment leaves UK businesses with only one choice – responsible IT disposal. By using Asset Disposal’s recycling services, you can help maximise the reuse of our planet’s natural resources, prevent millions of toxins from being released into the atmosphere and help to prevent tonnes of e-waste from ending up in landfill sites.

IT recycling for schools

Reducing IT Recycling Waste


According to one report, the UK is on course to become the biggest e-waste producer by 2024. And that’s not something to brag about.

At Asset Disposal we follow the principles set out in both the Waste Framework Directive (WFD), and Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) guidelines regarding IT disposal and recycling. As IT equipment is generally made up of metal, glass, and plastics, much of it can be reused if appropriately dismantled. However, they also contain many toxic substances, which can be incredibly harmful to the environment. Which is why IT disposal and recycling should be carried out by a specialist.

We believe it’s vital to make our environment a cleaner, safer place for everyone and everything. Which is why we help businesses dispose of and recycle redundant IT equipment in an eco-friendly way. In doing so we can conserve materials, save energy and reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills. 

Following the Waste Hierarchy Model, we identify the quality and condition of all devices, ensuring only the items that cannot be reused are sent to be recycled.







We collect a wide range of IT equipment and peripherals including desktop PCs, laptops, tablets, monitors, servers and network equipment via our secure UK-wide collection service.


Secure Collections


Hard Drives Wiped

Whatever your computer disposal or IT recycling needs, we can help!


Reduce your businesses e-waste to net-zero! Asset Disposal takes full responsibility for your old IT equipment and ensures that 0% goes to landfill.

Talk to Asset Disposal 0161 641 4843

Trusted by leading UK brands

Clients who trust Asset Disposal with their IT recycling needs

Creating a safer and more sustainable world

Accreditation Asset Disposal

Contact Us On - 0161 641 4843