by Asset Disposal | Sep 26, 2023 | Blog, Uncategorized
Did you know it’s Secondhand September? This month-long campaign, which first ran in 2019, encourages us to buy only pre-loved items for the whole 30 days. The aim is a simple one – to be kinder to the planet. Secondhand September covers all manner of items, from your...
by Asset Disposal | Aug 30, 2023 | Blogs, Uncategorized
Did you know that at Asset Disposal we offer a comprehensive IT refurbishment and redeployment service? This means we can take your previously used or outdated IT equipment, such as computers, laptops, tablets and servers and give them a new lease of life ready for...
by Asset Disposal | Aug 8, 2023 | Blog, Uncategorized
August has arrived and with it the big summer getaway, an opportunity for clients and suppliers to take some well-deserved time off. Which means you may experience a bit of a lull in business. So if you find you have some extra time on your hands, make the most of it....
by Asset Disposal | May 17, 2023 | Blog, Uncategorized
At Asset Disposal we are proud of our ISO certifications. They demonstrate our ongoing commitment to upholding the highest quality management standards, maintaining our environmental responsibilities and ensuring our security management systems are the best they can...
by Asset Disposal | Feb 15, 2023 | Blog, Uncategorized
Disposing of used IT equipment is fraught with risk. Not only should you consider the environmental implications, but there’s also the very serious issue of data security – just how safe is your data? Are you GDPR compliant? How can you reduce the risk of a data...
by Asset Disposal | Nov 11, 2021 | Climate & Environment, Uncategorized
Helping businesses recycle or reuse old IT equipment to become more sustainable is one of our core business values here at Asset Disposal. We have been following the key developments and pledges on tackling carbon emission reduction by world leaders attending the...